Bitcoin Poised for Final Spike High & Bubble Peak; 40-Year Cycle Shift Imminent!

10/28/21 INSIIDE Track – “One of the most perplexing enigmas in the economy right now is the shortage of workers compared to available jobs.  There are many reasons purported to be driving this challenge but I contend that the biggest one is the surging stock market of the past 18+ months. Before dismissing that hypothesis, let me explain a few key points […]

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2022/23 Poised to Time Natural/Climate Disruptions; Solar Cycle Collision in 2023!

Outlook 2022/2023 – Paradoxes 10-28-21 – Solar Cycle Update For the past ~3 years, INSIIDE Track has described expectations for Solar Cycle-related events in 2020 – 2024.   That began with projections – described in early-2019 – for late-2019/early-2020 to repeat an uncanny ~11-Year Cycle of ‘Global-Shaping Events’ and ‘Stock Panic Cycles’.  That was powerfully fulfilled with the onset of a global pandemic and stock ‘crash’. […]

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Solar Cycle 25 & Geophysical Instability.

Outlook 2022/2023 – Paradoxes 10-28-21 – Solar Cycle Update For the past ~3 years, INSIIDE Track has described expectations for Solar Cycle-related events in 2020 – 2024.   That began with projections – described in early-2019 – for late-2019/early-2020 to repeat an uncanny ~11-Year Cycle of ‘Global-Shaping Events’ and ‘Stock Panic Cycles’.  That was powerfully fulfilled with the onset of a global pandemic and stock ‘crash’. […]

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Gold Trading: Gold Poised to Surge Above 1880/GCZ in Nov ’21; Peak Likely

10/23/21 Weekly Re-Lay – Gold & Silver are fulfilling expectations for a multi-week rally after bottoming in late-Sept while fulfilling weekly extreme support indicators and cycle lows (projecting a 1 – 2 month low by Oct 1).  At the time, Silver fulfilled a major price objective, retracing nearly 50% of its Mar – Aug ’20 advance and projecting a rally into [reserved for subscribers] … Gold should […]

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Bitcoin Surges to New Highs, Fulfilling Monthly & Weekly Trend Signals

10/20/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Bitcoin has fulfilled exactly what its monthly trend pattern projected in mid-July and what its weekly trend pattern projected in late-Sept – a surge back to/above its mid-April ’21 peak (~66,000/BT, 68,325/BTZ) and a high near that level.  October’s monthly LHR is 69,445/BTZ and could be tested before a peak is set. This action is closely coinciding with the launch of the […]

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Gold Trading: Gold, Silver, Mining Shares Project Add’l Upside.

10/16/21 Weekly Re-Lay – Gold & Silver are fulfilling expectations for a multi-week rally after bottoming in late-Sept while fulfilling weekly extreme support indicators (projecting a 1 – 2 month low by Oct 1).  They reversed higher on Sept 30 – 180 degrees (6 months) from the Mar 30/31 lows in metals.    That fulfilled a ~6-month high (Sept ’19) – low (Mar ’20) – low (Sept ’20) – low […]

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Gold Trading: Gold, Silver, Mining Shares Surging From Cycle Low!

10/13/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Gold is surging, along with Silver & mining shares (XAU & HUI index stocks) – all confirming the myriad of cycles that bottomed in late-Sept. and projected an initial surge into Oct 18 – 22 (and potentially stretching into early-Nov., in at least some of those entities). The HUI led the way – after adhering closely to cycles and technical […]

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Gold Trading: Gold, Silver, Mining Shares Confirming Major Low!

10/11/21 INSIIDE Track Update – Gold & Silver are on the verge of confirming a multi-week reversal higher.  They fulfilled intermediate analysis for overall declines into late-Sept/early-Oct with Gold testing weekly support and bottoming without giving a daily close below 1720.0/GCZ (pivot point). They also bottomed in sync with weekly extreme support patterns.  Gold’s weekly HLS indicator projected a 1 – 2 month low for the second half […]

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Gold, Silver, XAU & HUI Confirming Major Bottom!

10/06/21 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – Metals & Miners Bottoming” Gold, Silver & mining shares (XAU & HUI index stocks) are showing early signs of a multi-week low and reversal higher.  The HUI perfectly fulfilled multi-year, monthly, weekly & daily cycles bottoming in late-Sept. by setting their lowest close and intraday low on Sept 29.  Since that time, Gold has already evolved through a textbook […]

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