Stocks Project Largest Advance of 2022; 34,200/DJIA Possible!

10/22/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices created a divergent low with the more resilient indexes holding their mid-June lows while many others spiked to new intra-year lows. Coinciding with a spike low & reversal higher on the Oct 13 CPI report, stocks have since rallied and could see their largest advances in 2022 in the coming weeks… Stock Indices are steadily advancing […]

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Stocks Projecting Surge into Nov ‘22!

10/17/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices are steadily advancing after creating a violent spike low on Oct 13 – in sync with the release of the Sept ’22 CPI and in fulfillment of the Oct 12 Weekly Re-Lay Alert analysis for a 30 – 60 minute spike low and reversal higher. They still need to do more work to signal a larger-magnitude bottom.  […]

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Stocks Reinforcing Likelihood for Multi-Month Bottom!

10/15/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices dropped below their mid-June lows, fulfilling the weekly trend and intra-year trend signals of mid-Aug and cycle downturn in mid-Sept.  This reinforces the overall outlook for 2022/23 even as weekly cycles could produce a longer-lasting low at any time. A couple key indexes are holding their mid-June lows and could lead a rebound… Stock Indices remain […]

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Stocks Fulfill Outlook for Final Spike Low on Oct 13 CPI Report!

10/13/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices and many other markets fulfilled the Oct 12 Weekly Re-Lay Alert analysis for a brief (possibly violent) spike low followed by reversals higher and powerful rallies on Oct 13, coinciding with the release of the Sept ’22 CPI Report.  To reiterate: 10-12-22 – “Markets trade on expectations.  They are always discounting events (expectations) for the future.  When the […]

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Stocks Poised for Final Spike Low on Oct 13 CPI Report!

10/12/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “The BTESTR Paradox applies to the principle of ‘Buy the Expectation; Sell the Realization’.  More succinctly, ‘Buy the Rumor, Sell the News’. Based on continuing questions I have fielded for 30+ years, that is one of the most consistent challenges in trading – particularly for newer traders.  But there are two aspects to this paradox… that could actually be looked at as two […]

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