Stock Index Buy Signals Maturing; Aug 15/16 Peak Projected; Then What?

08/13/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices continue to rally and are likely to spike higher in the coming week – all part of the projected advances from mid-June ’22 (when multi-week/multi-month cycles bottomed) and from mid-July – when multiple buy signals were triggered… into an expected multi-month peak in Sept ‘22.  Futures traders could have exited 1/2 of long positions in e-mini SP […]

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Stock Index Long Positions Nearing Fruition; Aug 15/16 Peak Could Trigger Sell-off.

08/12/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices continue to move in lockstep with short-term cycles, trend signals, and corresponding support and resistance.  They were projected (see 8/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay) to pull back on Aug 8 & 9 and then reverse higher, resuming their advances and next rallying into mid-Aug. The NQ-100 was forecast to pull back to 12,943 – 12,986/NQU and then surge again.  The […]

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Stock Index Cycles Peaking; Aug 15/16 High Projected; Sell-off Should Follow.

08/11/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices spiked up to pivotal 2 – 4 week upside targets, further confirming mid-June bottoms and secondary lows projected for July 14 as well as the outlook for an overall advance into Sept ‘22.  They were expected to briefly pull back into Aug 8/9 and then enter a new surge. The Aug 6 Weekly Re-Lay described the ideal scenario in this […]

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Stock Market Poised for Rally into Aug 15/16 Cycle High; Then What?

08/10/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices continue to rally, confirming mid-June bottoms and validating the outlook for an overall advance into Sept ‘22.  They were expected to enter a bullish multi-week phase on July 14 and then rally into early-Aug – which was fulfilled.  Early-week action ushered in the onset of a new advance. The Aug 6 Weekly Re-Lay described the ideal scenario in this manner: […]

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Stock Market Buy Signals: Brief Pullback to ~12,980/NQU (Aug 9) Likely

08/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have rallied, confirming mid-June bottoms and validating the outlook for an overall advance into Sept ‘22.  They were expected to enter a bullish multi-week phase on July 14 and then rally into early-Aug – which was just fulfilled.  Monday’s action could determine how quickly a new advance takes hold… Stock Indices have stalled in their recent runup, just as […]

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Stock Trading: ‘Largest Rallies of 2022’ Forecast to Reach Key Targets!

07/30/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices are rallying, confirming mid-June bottoms and validating the outlook for an overall rebound into Sept ‘22.  They were expected to enter a bullish multi-week phase on July 14 and fulfilled that with a July 14 low, triggering a pair of buy signals that remain mostly intact… Stock Indices are further confirming cycles that bottomed on June 13 – 21 – at […]

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Stock Trading: ‘Largest Rallies of 2022’ Forecast for July/Aug ‘22!

07/29/22 INSIIDE Track – “Stock Indices are steadily fulfilling and corroborating the outlook for 2022/2023.  They fulfilled projections for a pair of divergent peaks in early-Nov ’21 and early-Jan ’22 followed by a multi-month sell-off… And just to reiterate – it is NOT just these cycles that are powerfully validating this outlook.  The cycles only provide a backdrop and a general ‘roadmap’ for […]

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Stock Trading: ‘Largest Rallies of 2022’ Forecast w/July 14 Buy Signals!

07/27/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices are confirming analysis for a multi-month bottom on June 13 – 21 – when several indexes spiked to 6 – 12 month downside targets and fulfilled almost all of the downside potential (price AND time) for the first 7 – 9 months of 2022. In mid-June ‘22, the NQ-100 completed successive 11-week declines, fulfilling weekly Cycle Progressions & Sequences and signaling a […]

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‘Largest Rallies of 2022’ Forecast; Stock Market Buy Signals Confirmed.

07/23/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices are confirming expectations for a multi-month bottom on June 13 – 21 – when several indexes spiked to 6 – 12 month downside targets and fulfilled almost all of the downside potential – in price and time – for the first 7 – 9 months of 2022. In mid-June ‘22, the NQ-100 fulfilled weekly Cycle Progressions and Sequences while completing successive 11-week […]

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