Stock Cycles Peaking: Nov. 11 – 15 = Most Likely Time for Multi-Month Peak; Why/How Could ‘Danger Period’ Follow?

11/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices are fulfilling multi-month expectations, rallying into Nov. 2019 when a multi-month peak is expected.  On a larger-scale basis, the month of November is the perpetuation of a ~7-month cycle that has resulted in a ~7-month low (July ’17) – low (Feb. ’18) – high (Sept. ’18) – high (April ’19) – high (Nov. ’19) […]

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NFLX Update: Proxy Stock Leading Equity Rally into Nov. 11 – 15; ‘Danger Period’ to Follow… How Does Current Action Reinforce Outlook into March 2020?

11/06/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “One of the leading stock market ‘proxies’ – a stock that has provided uncanny (leading) signals throughout 2018 & 2019 – is again making its presence known.  NFLX adhered to expectations described in Aug./Sept. ’19 (projecting a bounce into mid-Sept. before a drop to new lows) – fulfilling the HCP diagram reprinted at the top of […]

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Stock Market Update: Stocks Nearing Upside Targets Leading into Projected Peak on Nov. 11 – 15; ‘Danger Period’ to Follow.

11/05/19 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update: “Stock Indices are fulfilling multi-month expectations, rallying into Nov. 2019 when a multi-month peak is expected.  On a larger-scale basis, the month of November is the perpetuation of a ~7-month cycle that has resulted in a ~7-month low (July ’17) – low (Feb. ’18) – high (Sept. ’18) – high (April ’19) – high (Nov. […]

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Stock Market Alert: Stocks Completing Projected Rally into Nov. 11 – 15; Perpetuating ~7-Month Cycle & Poised to Enter ‘Danger Period’ Before Mid-Month.

11/02/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices have fulfilled their weekly trend patterns (except for the DJIA), rallying back to their July ’19 highs as they entered a ~two-week period when a 1 – 2 month (minimum) peak is expected. Additional upside is still likely, before a top takes hold, but the intra-month trend structure could help clarify how soon those peaks […]

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Stock Trading: Will Asian Equities Trigger Nov. Sell-off? Shanghai & Hang Seng Project ‘Danger Period’ From Nov. 7 – Early-Dec.

10/30/19 INSIIDE Track: “China’s Shanghai Composite did set a 2 – 4 week low on Oct. 4 – 8 – perpetuating a ~60-degree cycle that could produce a subsequent low in early-Dec.  That time frame holds significance from multiple perspectives… A drop into the first half of Dec. ‘19 would fulfill a ~4-month/17 – 18 week high (early-April) – low […]

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Stock Market Rally: Indexes Remain on Track for Advance into (Ideally) Nov. 11 – 15! What Could Trigger Mid-Nov. Reversal Lower?

10/30/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Today’s Fed action and the resulting Dollar reaction (actually, there were about three opposing reactions) reinforce the pivotal time for Currency Wars that has arrived.  This could/should ultimately have a profound impact on many other markets… Stock Indices are fulfilling multi-month expectations, rallying into Nov. 2019 when a multi-month peak is expected.  They have just entered […]

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Stock Market Trading: Stocks Perpetuating ~7-Month Cycle; Projected Peak Most Likely on Nov. 11 – 15! Why Does ‘Danger Period’ Ensue?

10/30/19 INSIIDE Track: “10/31/19 – Stock Indexes have nearly fulfilled weekly & monthly cycles, projecting a multi-month rally from the Aug. ‘19 lows – into the first half of Nov. 2019.  Before addressing the significance of cycles converging over the next two weeks, it is important to maintain the context of the Aug. 2019 low – a bottom that was/is […]

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Stock Market Outlook: Indexes Remain on Track for New Highs, Leading into Nov. 11 – 15! Pinpointing Likely Trigger for Mid-Nov. Peak.

10/26/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices are retesting their highs, having nearly fulfilled their weekly trend patterns as they prepare for an important peak. They now enter a 5-week period when their inversely-correlated weekly 21 MARCs will surge – ushering in the opportunity for a reversal lower that would quickly be confirmed by weekly 21 MACs turning down as well… and […]

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Stock Trading: Indexes Remain on Track for New Highs; Fulfilling Forecast for Advance from late-Aug. into Nov. 11 – 15! Likely Triggers??

10/23/19 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Stock Indices remain in multi-week uptrends, trading near their multi-month highs with their underlying weekly trend patterns still arguing for a rally back to/above their July peaks. Since Jan. ’19, many indexes have traded sideways, swinging in 1 – 2 month moves in opposing directions – while peaking and bottoming at similar levels.  The Russell 2000 […]

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Stock Trading: Equities Fulfilling Outlook for 2 – 3 Month Advance – from late-Aug. into Nov. 11 – 15! Majority of Cycles Surround Mid-Nov.! Why?

10/19/19 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices rallied into mid-Oct. before entering a brief correction.  Based on weekly trend patterns, they remain likely to rally back to (at least) their July ’19 highs.  Based on weekly cycles, they are most likely to set a multi-month peak in the first half of Nov. ’19 (the greatest synergy of cycles is at mid-Nov.)… Stock […]

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