DJIA/Stock Market Bottom: Projects Future Peak on April 11 – 22.

03/15/22 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – Stock Indices are still trying to recover with the DJTA providing yet another positive signal on today’s close – closing back above its daily 21 High MAC on the same day it turned the direction of that 21 High MAC up.  Due to the falling (inversely-correlated) 21 MARC, that 21 MAC reversal has an increasingly good chance of remaining intact and triggering a corresponding uptrend.

This came after the DJTA went through a textbook sequence of daily trend signals since its Feb 24 spike low.  It initially rallied from that low and turned its daily trend up, leading to an initial high and reactive 2 – 3 day sell-off (into March 8).  During that pullback, the DJTA twice neutralized its daily uptrend but did not turn it down – the classic setup for a secondary low (‘b’ or ‘2’ wave low) and the onset of a higher-magnitude advance.  It quickly re-entered its daily uptrend on March 9 and has been targeting higher levels ever since.

The DJTA rallied to its highest daily close (today) since Feb 9, even as other indexes lagged.  In direct contrast, the weakest index (NQ-100) dropped to new lows into today (March 15; mid-month) – fulfilling its daily trend and intra-month trend signals while testing and holding monthly support, providing fulfillment to analysis for a divergent low.  Those factors combined to pinpoint the ideal time and price for a low, even as the DJTA and other stronger indexes were reinforcing their recent buy signals.

This NQ-100 spike low – to its lowest low since May ’21 – comes during the 2-year anniversary of the same week during which many stocks bottomed in March 2020.  At that time, several stocks and some indexes (DJTA, NQ-100) set their intraday lows or low daily closes on March 16 – 18, ‘20, with many others briefly spiking to new lows on March 20/23, ’20.  Today’s spike low fulfills another aspect of the 2-Year Cycle.

Looking out over the next 1 – 2 months, the next intermediate high is still expected in the middle half of April (not too dissimilar from when stocks set initial peaks in 2016 – another phase of the 2-Year Cycle that has been in focus).  The DJIA (and other indexes) has a consistent 14 – 15 week low-low-low-high Cycle Progression – dating back to March ’21 – that portends a future peak on April 11 – 22.

The next validation to these divergent lows would arrive if/when stock indexes generate daily closes above 34,179/DJIA, 4411/ESM, 14,389/NQM, 15,646/DJTA, & 2067/QRM – turning their intra-month trends up.”

Stocks fulfilled the outlook for a decisive peak in early-Jan ’22 followed by a 2 – 3 month plunge to begin 2022.  Daily & weekly cycles honed that and projected a multi-week (or longer) bottom on Feb 23/24.  That is just the start of a massive topping process projected for 2022 – ultimately leading to market jolts in late-2022 through late-2023.  The next phase could follow a peak ‘in the middle half of April’ (ideally on April 19 – 21) and be followed by another sharp sell-off.

This stock market rebound is unfolding as Gold is fulfilling analysis for an accelerated advance into early-March – with a myriad of cycles peaking this past week, on March 7 – 11.  This powerfully validates War Cycles projected to begin in late-2021/early-2022 and stretch through 2025 even as it could time a 1 – 2 month peak in Gold.

How Does This Impact 10, 20 & 40-Year Stock Cycles Colliding in 2022?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.