Stocks Fulfill 11-Year Cycle of Stock Panics; Bottom in Sync w/40YC! Trigger Multi-Month Buy Signals on March 18 – 23!

04/01/20 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “~11-Year Cycle of Stock Panics & GSEs: Stock Indices are powerfully fulfilling the ~11-Year Cycle of Stock Panics, detailed in the March 2019 INSIIDE Track and elaborated after then. As described back then, that cycle had already timed:

— Civil War (and its inflationary impact).

Panic of 1873.

Depression of 1882 – 1885.

Panic of 1907

World War I

— Stock market crash and entry into Great Depression in 1929 – 1930.

— Culmination of Great Depression; Entry into World War II

Stock Crash of 1987

Asian Financial & Russian Ruble Crises of 1997/98 (leading to stock panic of 2000 – 2002).

— Global Financial meltdown and worldwide stock panic of 2008 – 2009.

— Projected stock panic for 2020.

The Transports continue to validate this cycle, remaining below their Sept. ’18 peak.  The only thing left, after fulfilling expectations for a precursor sell-off in July/Aug. ’19, was for stocks to fulfill a myriad of monthly cycle highs in late-Jan. ’20 (8-month & 16-month high-high-high-high cycles, as well as corroborating weekly cycles).

It was, and is, one of the most uncanny cycles in that regard.  Perhaps the most intriguing correlation to that is that we are also seeing clear fulfillment of the ~11-Year Cycle of Global-Shaping Events – described in that same analysis (the April 2020 INSIIDE Track updates this).

At that time, in Feb./March 2019, the conclusion was that the latest ‘global-shaping event’ would come out of China, with China stocks corroborating.

Let’s see…  Is there any Global-Shaping Event that has come out of China and triggered a stock market panic lately?

I do not say that flippantly.  Cycles like this are not to be taken lightly.

This particular one has triggered an intensifying sequence of global equity and economic ‘challenges’ – 1987, 1997/98, 2008/09 and now 2020 – on a very consistent rhythm, a rhythm that is closely linked to the ~11-Year Solar/Sunspot Cycle.

And that is the same cycle that, since 2006, has been a primary focus in the discussion on Disease Cycles and their projected re-emergence in 2019/2020.

Just as occurred in 2009 – when H1N1 or Swine Flu emerged in sync with the start (low point) of Solar Cycle 24 – another pandemic virus emerged in perfect sync with the start (low point) of Solar Cycle 25 (Dec. ’19).

More on that topic in the April ’20 INSIIDE Track.

As for stock indexes in the short-term, they are validating the outlook for a sharper correction to take hold… The primary indexes have the potential to drop as low as weekly support and what are now their weekly 2ndCloses – forming important 3 – 5 day support at 19,173 – 19,445/ DJIA, 2288 – 2294/ESM & 6935 – 6969/NQM

The intra-month trends should give the first revealing clues and are poised to coincide with daily cycles that argue for a low on April 3/6.”

Stocks poised for quick pullback and low in early-April.  Stocks remain above lows after fulfilling Stock Panic Cycles (projected for early-2020, in March 2019) as well as 40-Year Cycle and 2-Year Cycle projecting plunge into March 23 – 27, 2020 – the precise time the DJIA bottomed in 2018 AND 1980.  Transports reach multi-year downside target (6,500) as NFLX & AMZN trigger decisive buy signals.  Major indexes trigger buy signals for powerful rallies – reinforcing these decisive cycle lows.    

What Does 40-Year Cycle Portend for 2Q/3Q ‘20?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.