Stocks Poised to Extend Latest Rally into Late-April; Confirming Buy Signals Triggered on March 18 – 23!

04/11/20 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices remain in a positive structure on a 2 – 4 week basis after fulfilling the Perfect Storm of sell signals and corresponding 2-Year Cycle and 40-Year Cycle parallels – projecting drops from Feb. 12/13 into March 23 – 27 (in 2020, just like 1980).  This overall rebound could stretch into April 20 – 27

Stock Indices continue to rally and confirm a 1 – 2 month low on March 23 – the 2-year anniversary of the 2018 DJIA low close and 40-year anniversary of the late-March 1980 low – the ultimate objective for the myriad of sell signals from Feb. 12 – 17.

That low was forecast to spur a rally into April 13 – 17, which is nearing fruition.  The pattern of the coming week should reveal if any additional upside is still likely.  If the indexes spike higher on Monday and then begin to retrace, it would actually create a cycle sequence that could foster another brief rally (into April 20 – 27).

That comes after the Nasdaq 100 has precisely fulfilled its primary upside target for this rally – at 8300 – 8500/NQM.  That initial test could spur a pullback.  (The other indexes could still reach their respective targets – at 24,680 – 25,000/DJIA & 2850 – 2910/ESM – in either of the next two weeks.)  There is one other key factor that corroborates that…

The weekly trends turned neutral (from down) for the first time since the lows.  That identifies April 20 – 24/27 as the more likely week for an intermediate peak (allowing time for a second neutral signal on April 17 and then the decisive week to follow).  The NQ-100 has set intra-month peaks on the 20 – 27th of the month in 4 of the past 5 months, so 5 out of 6 would not be unusual (April 20 – 27 peak).

Equity investors could have re-entered the market on March 19 – 23 and can now risk a daily close below [reserved for subscribers]…”

Stocks rallying from projected early-April low and could stretch latest advances into late-April.  Stocks should continue to remain above March ’20 lows – for many months – after fulfilling Stock Panic Cycles (projected for early-2020) as well as 40-Year Cycle and 2-Year Cycle projecting plunge into March 23 – 27, 2020 – the precise time the DJIA bottomed in 2018 AND 1980.

Transports reached multi-year downside target (6,500) as NFLX & AMZN trigger decisive buy signals.  Major indexes triggered buy signals on March 18 – 23 – setting the stage for powerful rallies to follow.    

What Does 40-Year Cycle Portend for 2Q/3Q ‘20?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.