Stocks Remain on Track for Second Plunge into Late-March ’20; Fulfilling Intervening Bounce!

03/04/20 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “…the Transports and a large number of other stocks peaked and began a 1 – 2 month corrective phase.  In the strongest indexes, it took until mid-Feb. for the ‘roller-coaster’ to summit and begin its descent.

The sell-off reinforced the ~12-week/~84-day Cycle Progression in  other indexes – that helped pinpoint the late-Aug. ’19 low.  It was then forecast to invert and time an intermediate peak in mid-Nov. followed by a more significant one on Feb. 10 – 14.  That is exactly when the DJIA peaked while reinforcing its 40-Year Cycle

On Feb. 12/13, 1980, the DJIA peaked and stocks dropped 8 – 10% into late-Feb. and initially bottomed.

On Feb. 12/13, 2020, the DJIA peaked and stocks dropped 8 – 10% (or more) into late-Feb. and initially bottomed.

In many respects, it is intriguing to recognize how ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’.

The indexes were projected to spur a rally to begin the month of March, partly due to the fulfillment of daily cycle lows on Feb. 28, partly due to the fulfillment of so many of these late-Feb. downside objectives and partly due to the DJIA dropping right to 6 – 12 month support…

There were other factors as well.  That rally has taken hold, right on schedule.  It has spurred a quick surge to monthly resistance levels with the DJIA & NQH neutralizing their daily downtrends.”

Stocks confirming late-Jan/early-Feb. Perfect Storm of sell signals – triggered on Feb. 7 – 14 – that project overall plunge into late-March ’20.  Those signals projected a ‘significant top’, ‘start of a much larger process’, ‘majority of sell-off to follow’, ‘significantly negative impact on overall market’, leading to ‘intra-year trends down, which would have a longer-reaching impact on the overall equity market’ – taking hold after mid-Feb. and ushering in a very bearish ~40-day period of ‘testing’.

These damaging signals reinforce the 40-Year Cycle and 2-Year Cycle outlook for another plunge into late-March 2020 after a brief bounce – which has just unfolded with stocks surging right to monthly resistance (potential peak for March ’20).    

What is March ’20 Expected to Suffer Worse Plunge Than Feb.?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.