Stock Market Sell-off Coinciding w/Long-Term Cycles of Disease (& War)!

02/27/20 INSIIDE Track: Late-2019 ushered in what was/is expected to be a geopolitically volatile period in the Middle East and across the globe.  Part of the analysis involved in that conclusion included the recurring 40-Year Cycle and the connection to 1979 – 1981 and events in Iran.  That assessment was powerfully validated by January events between the US and Iran.

It was also expected to usher in an unstable period – lasting at least 6 – 12 months and potentially for many years – in stock markets, currency markets (particularly in respect to gold), geophysical activity, natural events and in disease/plague cycles.  The focus on 2019 for a new disease pandemic has been described since 2006 – 2010 and 2012 – 2014…

Disease Cycles

The late-2019 introduction to what is now known as Covid-19 (coronavirus) was a precise fulfillment of cycles that have been discussed the past two decades – focusing on 2019 as the most synergistic time for another flu or flu-related disease outbreak.

This discussion began in 2006 and focused on 2009 as the prime time for a flu outbreak (and 2010 for Disease Cycles to spike) – perpetuating a decennial (10-year) cycle that had been in effect since 1889 – 1890 when a killer flu (Asiatic/Russian Flu) migrated from China to the US.

It also dated back to 1830/1831 when a major influenza outbreak hit (you guessed it) China and ushered in a 7 – 8 year period in which 3 major, global pandemics emerged (this was all detailed in INSIIDE Trackrepeatedly over the past 15 years).  As detailed in 2006, that 10-year cycle also included the Spanish Flu (late-1910’s/1920), Asian Flu (late-1950’s) & Hong Kong Flu (late-1960’s).

That cycle often overlapped the Sunspot Cycle – timing the approximate 11-year period from the start of one outbreak to the culmination of the next.   It timed major flu outbreaks and pandemics during the final years of one decade (’8’ and ’9’ years) and opening year of the following one (’0’ year).  In many cases, these types of events occur at the nadir of solar activity, similar to the current time frame.

What happened in 2009? 

Right on schedule, Swine Flu arrived and plagued the globe in 2009 – 2010 – the latest phase of that Decennial (10-Year) Cycle. 

That was the second H1N1 influenza pandemic, with the first being the Spanish Flu of 1918 – 1920.  Both projected future focus (highlighted throughout the past decade) to 2019 – 2020 as the most likely time for another similar outbreak/pandemic.

In 2014 (Nov. ‘14 INSIIDE Track), the following was stated (after reprinting the 2006 analysis copied in the accompanying table)…

10-29-14 – “These two excerpts are reprinted to lay the foundation for a future discussion and to respond to a flurry of inquiries regarding the current Ebola outbreak. 

The sunspot/disease link discussed in the 1/30/06 excerpt was precisely & profoundly fulfilled with the ’Swine Flu’ outbreak of 2009 (3 years later, but right when projected) – now believed to have claimed about 300,000 lives. 

And that projects focus to 2018/2019 – the next phase of Influenza’s unique decennial pattern (a ~10-Year Cycle) and the time when the next Solar Cycle (25) should be turning back up. 

130, 110, 100, 60, 50, 40, 20 & 10 years from all of these Flu outbreaks is 2017–2019, with 2018/2019 possessing the greatest synergy.  But, that is just one particular ’disease’.“   – End Nov. ’14 INSIIDE Track excerpt   
There is another important correlation that was discussed in 2006 – 2010.  It is the recurring coincidence of war and pestilence (a term that frequently appears in the Bible and refers to disease).  The two often go hand in hand.  So, is it any surprise that War Cycles recur in 2021?  Stay tuned…”

Stocks plunging in lockstep with 40-Year Cycle while fulfilling Perfect Storm of sell signals triggered on Feb. 7 – 14.  Combined with an ominous ‘4-Shadow Sell Signal’ – triggered in late-Jan. – this continues to project a much larger-magnitude sell-off into late-March ‘20.  2019/2020 Disease Cycles (discussed since 2014) reinforce outlook for significant stock market peak in Jan. 2020 (latest phase of 16-month, 8-month and multi-year cycles – projecting at least a 3 – 6 month peak).

What Would Feb./March ’20 Stock Market Plunge Mean for Rest of 2020?

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.