Gold & Silver Reinforcing Forecast for New Surge into Dec. 31 – Jan. 4!  Price Targets at ~1290+/GCG and ~16.00/SIH Remain in Force.  XAU Peaking.

Gold & Silver Reinforcing Forecast for New Surge into Dec. 31 – Jan. 4!  Price Targets at ~1290+/GCG and ~16.00/SIH Remain in Force.  XAU Peaking. 12/19/18 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “Gold & Silver diverged a little with Gold adding to its gains – and exceeding 1262.1/GCG by 1 tick before selling off – even as Silver retested and held its Dec. […]

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Gold & Silver Poised for New Surge… into Dec. 31 – Jan. 4!  Price Targets at ~1290+/GCG and ~16.00/SIH Remain in Force.

Gold & Silver Poised for New Surge… into Dec. 31 – Jan. 4!  Price Targets at ~1290+/GCG and ~16.00/SIH Remain in Force. 12/15/18 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver (and XAU) fulfilled near-term upside potential and corrected.  A new 1 – 2 week rally is becoming more likely… Gold & Silver added to their gains, reinforcing the multi-week buy signal recently […]

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Bitcoin Cycles Bottom as Price Reaches Multi-Year Trend Support.  What Could Trigger 3 – 6 Month Advance?

Bitcoin Cycles Bottom as Price Reaches Multi-Year Trend Support.  What Could Trigger 3 – 6 Month Advance? 12/14/18 The Bridge – Currency Wars & Cryptos: “The Currency Wars continue, though more subtle at present, with a three-way battle between paper, hard & digital.  It is almost like the game of rock (metals or hard currency), paper (debt-based or fiat currency), […]

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Bitcoin Reaches ~3200 Target as Cycles Bottom in mid-Dec. ‘18.  How High Could 3 – 6 Month Advance Reach?

Bitcoin Reaches ~3200 Target as Cycles Bottom in mid-Dec. ‘18.  How High Could 3 – 6 Month Advance Reach? 12/14/18 The Bridge – Currency Wars & Cryptos: “For the first 6 – 9 months of 2018, Bitcoin had the same primary downside objective.  That was expected to hold until (at least) cycles turned negative in late-Sept. 2018 – after which […]

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Bitcoin Reaches ~3200 Target as Cycles Bottom in mid-Dec. ‘18.  How High Could 3 – 6 Month Advance Reach?

Bitcoin Reaches ~3200 Target as Cycles Bottom in mid-Dec. ‘18.  How High Could 3 – 6 Month Advance Reach? 12/14/18 The Bridge – Currency Wars & Cryptos: “Another reason the current time frame is becoming important has to do with extremes. In late-July, Bitcoin attacked its weekly LHR (weekly extreme upside target) – projecting a 1 – 2 month peak […]

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Oil Markets Remain Weak; Energy/Equity Connection Bearish; Where is Crude Headed?

Oil Markets Remain Weak; Energy/Equity Connection Bearish; Where is Crude Headed? 12/01/18 Weekly Re-Lay: Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil remain weak and continue to plunge since peaking in early-Oct. while perpetuating a 32 – 34 week low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression in Crude.  That high fulfilled monthly & yearly cycles as well, setting the stage for a 6 – 12 […]

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Crude Reinforcing Sept. ’18 (Multi-Year) Cycle Highs!  Project Future High for May ’19.

Crude Reinforcing Sept. ’18 (Multi-Year) Cycle Highs!  Project Future High for May ’19. 11/29/18 INSIIDE Track: Crude Oil, Unleaded Gas & Heating Oil have plummeted since fulfilling a powerful convergence of cycles in late-3Q 2018.  Late-Sept. ‘18 ushered in a projected shift in Middle East cycles and coincided with weekly, monthly, yearly and multi-decade cycles in Crude – all colliding […]

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