Bitcoin Bubble Burst & 40-Year Cycle Reset: Dollar Strength into 2023.

07/13/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Today’s CPI report reinforced, yet again, that inflation is alive and well in the US economy.  It is, however, entering a decisive time frame when a peak has long been forecast – in 3Q ‘22.  That precise peak could be seen in CPI or PPI or other measures of commodity price inflation (GSCI, etc.) but the important factor is that the time […]

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Grains & Commodities Peaking w/Drought Cycle. What Will Deluge Cycle Spur?

07-13-22 – Today’s CPI report reinforced, yet again, that inflation is alive and well in the US economy.  It is, however, entering a decisive time frame when a peak has long been forecast – in 3Q ‘22.  That precise peak could be seen in CPI or PPI or other measures of commodity price inflation (GSCI, etc.) but the important factor is that the time frame for […]

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Gold, Silver & XAU Reinforcing Intra-Year Downtrends; Inflation Peaking?

07/13/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: 10-Year Cycle Progression of Inflation – “Today’s CPI report reinforced, yet again, that inflation is alive and well in the US economy.  It is, however, entering a decisive time frame when a peak has long been forecast – in 3Q ‘22.  That precise peak could be seen in CPI or PPI or other measures of commodity price inflation (GSCI, etc.) but the important factor […]

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Gold Turns Intra-Year Trend Down, Reinforcing March ’22 Cycle Peak.

07/09/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver dropped to new lows after failing to generate any signs of a bottom… Gold & Silver continue to decline following their June 3 highs, peaks that were set during the latest phases of corresponding ~6-week & ~12-week high-high-(high) Cycle Progressions.  They were unable to produce any signs of bottoming in late June and then signaled an additional […]

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Bitcoin Bubble Burst & 40-Year Cycle Reset: Ultimate Plunge to/below ~13,800/BT Likely!

07/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – 40-Year Cycle Reset; Phase VIII Begins – “While an intra-week Alert is not normally the place for discussing multi-decade cycles (and this one will be brief), there are times when it is important to distinguish the forest from the trees.  No time is more critical for that undertaking than the onset of a new major cycle. Since 2012/2013, our […]

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40-Year Cycle Reset; Gold & Silver Peaks Concur… Dollar Strength Reigns.

07/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: 40-Year Cycle Reset; Phase VIII Begins – “While an intra-week Alert is not normally the place for discussing multi-decade cycles (and this one will be brief), there are times when it is important to distinguish the forest from the trees.  No time is more critical for that undertaking than the onset of a new major cycle. Since 2012/2013, our publications have […]

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Stock Market: Stock Indexes Confirming Multi-Month Lows; Watch Sept ’22!

07/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock indices are slowly validating signs of bottoming (in mid-June), after spiking to new lows and 6 – 12 month downside targets.  This could be the start of a multi-month rally into monthly cycle highs in Sept/Oct ’22 – when the next decisive peak is forecast. Several individual stocks, normally viewed as ‘proxy stocks’ (MSFT, NFLX, AMZN, GOOGL, SBUX), […]

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