Bitcoin Bearish into Sept ’22; June 8 – 10 Ushers in Next Down Cycle

05/25/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Bitcoin continues to trade sideways after spiking below ~27,500/BTC – where its monthly HLS and 6-month HHL converged – on May 12.  That decline fulfilled its weekly trend sell signal (late-March) & perpetuated a 45 – 48 day low-low-high-high-high-high-(low; May 12/13) Cycle Progression. That could/should produce a subsequent low in late-June (with a rally in between).  A daily close above 32,700/BTM is needed to give the first […]

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Gold & Silver Validating Initial Signals; Portend Larger Advances.

05/25/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Gold & Silver have reversed their daily trends up as they rebound from cycle lows on May 13/16 and project the next 1 – 2 week top for May 31 – the latest phase of the ~6-week/~42-day low-low-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression that helped pinpoint the March 7 and April 18 peaks.  In the case of Gold, that would also represent a 50% rebound […]

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Stock Market: Russell 2K Holding Major (6 – 12 Month) Downside Target at 1710/QR.

05/25/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock indices are slowly generating signs of an intermediate low after plunging from cycle highs on April 19 – 21 and subsequently fulfilling multiple downside targets in May. Equities have again created a divergent bottom (May 12 & May 20 lows) with the Russell 2000, S+P Midcap 400 and some others remaining above their May 12 lows […]

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Bitcoin Bearish into Sept ’22; Late-June = Next Intermediate Low!

05/21/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Bitcoin is attempting to bottom after spiking below ~27,500/BTC where its monthly HLS and 6-month HHL converged.  That decline fulfilled its weekly trend sell signal (late-March) & perpetuated a 45 – 48 day low-low-high-high-high-high-(low; May 12/13) Cycle Progression. That could/should produce a subsequent low in late-June (with a rally in between).  A daily close above 32,700/BTM is needed to give the first sign of a reversal higher.  On […]

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Gold & Silver Begin New Advances? Initial Signals Triggered.

05/21/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver are attempting to rebound after fulfilling expectations for a ‘c’ wave decline, triggered after cycles peaked on April 18 (fulfilling the ~6-week/41 – 42-day low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression that projects a future high in late-May) and projected a second intermediate decline. Looking ahead, the April 18 highs validated the next/future phase of both the ~6-week and the overriding ~12-week cycles – converging […]

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Stock Market: Russell 2K Attacks/Holds Major (6 – 12 Month) Target at 1710/QR.

05/21/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have fulfilled multiple downside targets after plunging from cycle highs on April 19 – 21.  They have initially created a divergent bottom (May 12 & May 20 lows) after most indexes matched the duration of their three previous, successive declines while attacking multi-month downside range targets… Stock Indices are creating the kind of divergent low, on […]

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Gold & Silver Fulfilling Projected May 13/16 Lows.

05/18/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Gold & Silver fulfilled expectations for a ‘c’ wave decline after peaking on April 18/19 and fulfilling the latest phase of the ~6-week/41 – 42-day low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression that projects a future high in late-May.  The action of the coming weeks should help determine what to expect through 3Q ’22. The April 18 highs reinforced the next phase of both the ~6-week and […]

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Stock Market: Russell 2K Reaches Major (6 – 12 Month) Target at 1710/QR.

05/18/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Over the past two years, since the March ’20 meltdown in stocks, equities have moved with a little more divergence than what preceded that time frame.  That became more pronounced following early-May ’21 – the time when an initial (divergent) peak was forecast for many stocks, fulfilling the then-latest phases of both the 8-Month & 16-Month Cycles. The subsequent 6 months (180 […]

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Bitcoin Negative into Sept ’22; Late-June = Intermediate Low!

05/14/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Bitcoin is reinforcing the overall 2022 outlook for an ultimate decline (on balance) into Sept ’22 – that would be reinforced by a low in May ’22.  It reached its primary downside target for 2022, spiking down to ~27,500/BTC where its monthly HLS and 6-month HHL converged.  However, the weekly close was back above the June ’21 low, showing that Bitcoin is initially holding that support. This […]

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Gold & Silver Poised for May 13/16 Low.

05/14/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver are fulfilling expectations for a ‘c’ wave decline after peaking on April 18/19 and fulfilling the latest phase of the ~6-week/41 – 42-day low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression that projects a future high in late-May. The April 18 highs reinforced the next phase of both this ~6-week and the overriding ~12-week cycles – converging in late-May.  (Ideally, the intervening decline would last 26 – […]

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