DJIA Poised for April 19 – 21 Peak, Then Stock Market Drop to New Lows in Late-April.

04/09/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices have been in a wide and volatile range of congestion after completing ~2-month declines that fulfilled the 2-Year, 8-Month, 4-Month & 2-Month Cycle forecasts.  As most indexes were fulfilling projections for 1 – 2 month lows on Feb 23/ 24, the focus shifted to future cycle highs in the DJIA – converging on April 11 – 22.  That is when the next multi-week peak […]

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Nasdaq Confirming Intermediate Peak; DJIA Cycles Top on April 18 – 22.

04/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices remain on track… with the DJIA projecting a rally from Feb 23/24 into April 15 – 22. That would complete the first month of Natural Year 2022/23, take stocks into the often-significant Date of Aggression (April 19/20), fulfill a ~15-week low-low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression in the DJIA, and perpetuate the parallels to 2016 – via the 2-Year Cycle. As has been the case for a […]

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Gold/Silver/Mining Shares Project Rally into April 18/19 II.

04/06/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Gold & Silver have consolidated after surging into March 7 – 11, when a multi-week peak was expected, and then correcting sharply in the week that followed. With its early-March peak, Gold fulfilled an 11 – 12 week high-low-low-high Cycle Sequence, a 6-week low-low-(high) Cycle Progression and a ~3-week low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression as Silver completed successive advances of equal duration (5 weeks each; Dec 15 – Jan […]

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NQ-100 Attacks/Holds Resistance; DJIA Projects April 19 – 21 Peak.

04/04/22 INSIIDE Track Intra-Month Update – “Other indexes, like the Russell 2000, have not rallied as strongly… During the past week, the NQ-100 reached a couple key ‘milestones’, turning its weekly trend up on April 1 after rallying right to its 4th wave of lesser degree resistance (the Feb 2 high at 15,261/NQM and the primary objective for an initial surge). [The Nasdaq 100 had dropped […]

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Nasdaq Signals Initial Peak; DJIA Cycles Top on April 18 – 22.

04/02/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock Indices have surged since setting divergent lows in late-Feb – mid-March, all turning up in conjunction with the onset of Natural Year 2022/23 (beginning on March 20, with the Vernal Equinox).  Coinciding with that, many stocks and indexes pulled back into March 23/24 – setting higher lows while fulfilling various cycles that converged at that time – and then moved higher. […]

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Gold/Silver/Mining Shares Project Rally into April 18/19.

04/02/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Gold & Silver remain positive and could see new advances into mid-April… Gold & Silver have consolidated after surging into March 7 – 11, when a multi-week peak was expected, and then correcting sharply in the week that followed. On March 8, Gold surged to new highs and its weekly LHR (the extreme weekly upside target for March 7 – 11) at 2071.2/GCJ, fulfilling the potential for […]

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NQ-100 Signaling Daily High; DJIA Projects April 19 – 21 Peak.

03/31/22 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update – “Stock Indices remain positive and have surged since setting divergent lows in late-Feb and the first half of March with the leading/stronger DJTA setting higher lows while the lagging/weaker NQ-100 set lower lows and fulfilled its intra-month downtrend (with a mid-month low). That final low (March 15) allowed all the other indices to accelerate their developing uptrends in the second […]

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Gold, Silver, Solar & Seismic Cycles Collide in 2022!

03/31/22 INSIIDE Track – “One of the underlying factors involved in the dramatic events of March 2020 – March 2022 (a period of two ‘Natural Years’) is the developing Solar Cycle.  As documented many times before, there has been an uncanny sequence of related events on a roughly 11-Year Cycle basis – the same cycle that governs the ebb and flow of sunspots and solar storms. […]

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Bitcoin Plunging into Sept ’22 Cycle!

03/31/22 INSIIDE Track – “Ultimately, Bitcoin is expected to work down toward… A 15-month low (9/17) – low (12/18) – low (3/20) – low (6/21) Cycle Progression recurs in Sept ‘22 and could time a 1 – 2 year low.” Bitcoin, in Nov ’21, fulfilled what its monthly and weekly trend indicators projected and what its overall wave structure necessitated – a surge to new all-time […]

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War Cycles Portend Russia/China Alliance; Bonds’ Negative into 3Q ‘22.

Outlook 2022/2023 – Cause & Effect? 03-30-22 –  One of the underlying factors involved in the dramatic events of March 2020 – March 2022 (a period of two ‘Natural Years’) is the developing Solar Cycle.  As documented many times before, there has been an uncanny sequence of related events on a roughly 11-Year Cycle basis – the same cycle that governs the ebb and […]

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