Dollar Decline & New Inflation Should Spur Commodity/Grain Surge!

“Outlook 2020/2021 – Cycle Synergy; The More Things Change… 07-30-20 – The period between March 16 – 23, 2020 – when a powerful convergence of daily, weekly, monthly & multi-year cycles bottomed in multiple markets – and April/May 2021 (when corresponding cycles are projected to peak in a broader collection of markets) – has been forecast to witness an inflationary surge in stocks, Silver and many […]

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Interest Rates Bottoming: Bonds Portend July ’20 Peak as Stocks Project New Surge.

06-30-20 – “Bonds & Notes continue to climb and remain in overall multi-year uptrends (and multi-month uptrends since early-2020) with the potential for a final spike high during this mid-’20 (June/July ‘20) time frame.  Since 2018, this current period has been in focus for the next multi-year peak. A peak in mid-2020 would fulfill a ~4-year low-low-low-low-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression dating back to the 1990’s and more recently […]

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Precious Metals Portend Surges into Sept. ’20; Gold, Silver, XAU, Platinum, Palladium & Copper Concur.

06/30/20 INSIIDE Track: “Gold & Silver remain in overall uptrends expected to extend into late-2020 and likely into May 2021. That comes on the heels of 1Q ’20, when metals fulfilled cycle highs in late-Feb./early-March and then plunged to precise downside targets (most notably at 1450.0/GC) while diving into mid-March ‘20 – when Silver and the XAU signaled 3 – […]

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Silver Poised to Outpace Gold Gains in 3Q ’20 – 2Q ’21; Surge with Stocks after Late-June!

05/30/20 Weekly Re-Lay: “Gold & Silver are going through a topping process with Gold showing some signs (though not yet confirmed) of already seeing its peak while Silver remains strong.  Gold would not confirm a larger-degree correction, however, until a daily close below 1686.4/GCQ. Silver has entered a recurring, geometric (13 – 14 week) cycle when a peak is more […]

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