Stocks Confirming Mid-Aug Cycle Highs; Weekly Trends Project New Lows.

09/06/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices have sold off after surging from July 14 into Aug 16, fulfilling the 1 – 4 week and 1 – 2 month buy signals triggered on July 14, perpetuating a ~1-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression and fulfilling the outlook for ‘the largest rally of 2022’.  The most important question is whether that fulfilled all of their rebound potential. Most indices fulfilled […]

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Stocks Confirming Mid-Aug Cycle Highs; Weekly Trends Project New Lows.

09/06/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices have sold off after surging from July 14 into Aug 16, fulfilling the 1 – 4 week and 1 – 2 month buy signals triggered on July 14, perpetuating a ~1-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression and fulfilling the outlook for ‘the largest rally of 2022’.  The most important question is whether that fulfilled all of their rebound potential. Most indices fulfilled […]

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Stocks Reinforce Mid-Aug Cycle Highs; Weekly Trends Project New Lows.

09/03/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have sold off after fulfilling cycles and long trading signals on Aug 15/16.  That peak was set as the DJIA reached its final upside target for the mid-July buy signals and as the DJIA, S+P 500, NQ-100, Russell 2000 and S+P Midcap 400 attacked monthly resistance… Stock Indices have sold off after surging from July 14 into […]

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Stock Indexes Exit ‘Largest Rally of 2022’; Weekly Trends Turn Negative.

08/31/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock indices have sold off after surging from July 14 into Aug 16, fulfilling the 1 – 4 week and 1 – 2 month buy signals triggered on the July 14 sell-off, perpetuating a ~1-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression and fulfilling the outlook for ‘the largest rally of 2022’. Some of the indexes, like the DJIA, reached 2 – 3 month upside […]

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Stock Indexes Complete ‘Largest Rally of 2022’; Long Positions Exited in Mid-Aug.

08/27/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices have sold off after precisely fulfilling analysis for a ~4-week rally into, and then a multi-week high on, Aug 15/16.  That peak was set as the DJIA reached its final upside target for the mid-July buy signals and as the DJIA, S+P 500, NQ-100, Russell 2000 and S+P Midcap 400 attacked and held their monthly resistance levels […]

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Stock Indexes Confirming Mid-Aug Peaks; Long Positions Exited.

08/26/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices have corrected after surging from July 14 into Aug 16, fulfilling the 1 – 4 week and 1 – 2 month buy signals triggered on the July 14 sell-off (see 7/13/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert).  That peak perpetuated a ~1-month low-low-low-low-(high) Cycle Progression and projects a subsequent peak on Sept 15/16 that would fulfill a ~1-month low-low-low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression. From a price perspective, […]

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Stock Market Poised for Sell-off; Aug 16 Peak Triggers Exit Signal in Longs.

08/22/22 INSIIDE Track Update – “Stock indices did spike higher last week – all part of the projected advances from mid-June ’22 (multi-month cycle low) and from mid-July (multiple buy signals triggered) into an expected multi-month peak in Sept ‘22. As part of that, a 1 – 2 week peak was projected for Aug 15/16 and took hold as the DJIA reached its second upside […]

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Stock Market Poised for Sell-off; Aug 16 Peak Triggers Exit Signal in Longs.

08/20/22 Weekly Re-Lay – “Stock indices did spike higher during the past week – all part of the projected advances from mid-June ’22 (multi-month cycle low) and from mid-July (multiple buy signals triggered) into an expected multi-month peak in Sept ‘22.  A 1 – 2 week peak was projected for Aug 15/16 and took hold as the DJIA reached its second upside target for the […]

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Stock Indexes Signal Peak; Exit Longs; 1 – 2 Week Sell-off Could Follow.

08/17/22 Weekly Re-Lay Alert – “Stock Indices surged from Aug 9 into Aug 16, fulfilling the latest bullish signal (triggered when the NQ-100 pulled back to ~12,980/NQU and projected a new surge) and the prevailing intra-month uptrends… which have been portending rallies into Aug 15/16 (mid-month). That completes the second ‘third’ of this overall advance, projected to last from mid-June (June 13 – 21 was identified as […]

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