Interest Rates Bottoming: Bonds Portend July ’20 Peak as Stocks Project New Surge.

06-30-20 – “Bonds & Notes continue to climb and remain in overall multi-year uptrends (and multi-month uptrends since early-2020) with the potential for a final spike high during this mid-’20 (June/July ‘20) time frame.  Since 2018, this current period has been in focus for the next multi-year peak.

A peak in mid-2020 would fulfill a ~4-year low-low-low-low-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression dating back to the 1990’s and more recently timing peaks in mid-2012 and mid-2016.  It would also fulfill a 10-month low-high-high Cycle Progression.  These cycles are also in sync with expectations that stocks have set their (probable) lows for 2020.”

Bonds & Notes are poised to set a major, multi-year peak (and corresponding bottom in interest rates) in/around July ’20 – while fulfilling analysis for a final, wave 5 of V advance into a multi-year peak in July ’20.  Longer-term cycles projected a China-focused ‘Global-Shaping Event’ and Stock Market Panic in early-2020 (see March 2019 INSIIDE Track for details)… likely spurring this final drop in interest rates.

In sync with numerous cycles, that sharp stock sell-off was projected to bottom on March 23 – 27 and begin a new 12 – 18 month advance into May ‘21.  If that is accurate, Bonds could begin to fall when the masses recognize this next stock market rally.

2020/2021 represent final, culminating years of 40-Year & 80-Year Cycles (see Nov ’19 INSIIDE Track) – timing everything from War (watch late-2021 into late-2025), Climate (Drought Cycles peak in 2021/22 and transition to Deluge Cycles in 2022/23), Agriculture, Currency Wars… and ultimately Interest Rates.  The first ~6 months of 2020 have powerfully validated that ongoing analysis!

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.