War Cycles Validate Wheat Cycles; Projected Surge into Early-March ’22 Nearing Fruition.

Outlook 2022/2023 – War Cycles Validated

02-26-22 –  For the past 6 – 7 years, INSIIDE Track has warned about the impending onset of War Cycles in 2021 – 2025… more specifically in late-2021 until late-2025.  This has been based on a powerful synergy of cycles – including multi-decade and multi-century cycles ranging from 360 & 720-year cycles to 40 & 80-year cycles and even 7, 8 & 11-year cycles.

All of them collide in this brief period of time beginning in late-2021.  In the second half of 2021 (and also in the Jan & Feb ’22 issues), INSIIDE Track intensified this focus, preparing readers for what might unfold…

War Cycles… in Europe

In May & June 2016, INSIIDE Track was discussing the likelihood of Brexit occurring and explaining why the British Pound was destined to suffer a sharp drop from June ‘16 into early-’17.  Part of that analysis surrounded an 8-Year Cycle that is a key component of the larger-magnitude 80-Year Cycle of War.

Both of those cycles are important factors in the ongoing outlook for late-2021/early-2022 to usher in a time of war in/for Europe, Asia and America.  Here is a small excerpt of related analysis:

“From a cyclic perspective, the startling aspect of this 8-Year Cycle – and its unfolding 7th phase (‘7’ also representing ‘completion’) – is that it is on a collision course with a larger and farther-reaching cycle…  the bigger 80-Year War Cycles that converge in 2021… particularly in America.  In each case, there was a 5–6 year period of contributing events that fed into those wars… that recurs in 2016–2021.”

That analysis went on to list the sequence of 80-year war events that were reprinted in last month’s issue.  Brexit did take hold and the Pound did plunge – into early-2017 – at the same time INSIIDE Track was detailing an uncanny 40-Year Cycle that impacts Russia and was projected to usher in a dramatic shift in her tactics, beginning in 2016/17 – 2021 and leading into War Cycles in late-2021 – late-2025.

Is it any surprise (cyclically-speaking) that Russia would trigger this latest invasion 7 – 8 years after her invasion of Crimea in 2014?

War Cycles… in Eastern Europe

There have been many reasons why the focus has remained steadfast on this time frame – late-’21 into late-’25 – for the recurrence of War Cycles.  A couple of them are much larger than the 80-Year Cycle.

They are the 360-Year and overlapping 720-Year Cycles that have been discussed numerous times before and which have had a steady influence on Europe and the Middle East.

One of the intriguing aspects of this cycle is that it precisely timed the culmination or extreme of major military campaigns or empires in Europe – extremes that would remain intact for centuries to follow and time the beginning of major shifts in power.

The Rus’ – Byzantine War of 941 – 945 is a key place to begin this discussion since it has an intriguing ethnic relationship to what is currently occurring.

[Rus’ people were of Norse descent and encompassed Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; there are records of great atrocities perpetrated by Rus’ on their victims during this conflict].

At the same time (942), the Hungarians were on a military campaign, attacking Italy, France and ultimately Spain – the western extreme of their attacks and conquests.  Centuries later, in an odd twist of fate, Hungary would mark the western extreme of Ottoman conquests.  Both of these future empires saw major conquests in this narrow window of 941 – 945.

360 years later, Ottoman – Byzantine attacks began in 1301 – 1302 (first wars of infant Ottoman Empire, which would ultimately rule eastern Europe into the Transcaucus and Middle East for ~600 years).

These attacks and the ultimate Ottoman defeat of the Eastern Roman Empire marked the first major victory of what would be a ~600-year empire controlling Eastern Europe… a momentous shift in Europe.  [The Byzantine and Hungarian Empires suffered momentous defeats at the hands of the Ottomans.]

360 years later, in 1662 – 1664, another extreme would be reached.  The 80-Year Cycle described the Siege of Buda in 1541 as the start of an Ottoman campaign against Hungary (see Feb ’22 INSIIDE Track) – the farthest west the Ottoman Empire would expand.  1541 was just the beginning…

That campaign lasted for over a century and reached its pinnacle in 1662 – 1664,when the western portion of the Hungarian Empire was placed under Ottoman rule and a subsequent Ottoman defeat in Austria halted that westward progress.

In 1663 – 1664, a military campaign was waged against Austria and the Turks were defeated – marking the terminus of their westward expansion.  This also marked a turning point in the ~200 year war between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires.

[The precise dates for the Ottoman-Hungarian Wars are listed as 1366 – 1526           – a precise 160-year period of war (2xs 80-Year Cycle of War).]

The Kingdom of Hungary – which would last for almost 1,000 years – plays in intriguing role in all of this (considering it previously included portions of modern-day Ukraine, Austria, Slovakia, Romania, etc.).

2021 – 2025 is the next phase of this 360-Year Cycle and coincides with the 80-Year Cycle of War and several other related cycles.

War Cycles… in Russia/Ukraine

In 1999 – 2001, INSIIDE Track described a convergence of similar war cycles that pinpointed Aug – Oct 2001 as the time for a major attack involving the US.    In April 2000, the question was posed as to whether the US could be hit by another surprise attack on our shores – related to late-1941.

[More of these INSIIDE Track quotes from 1999 – 2001 can be found at https://www.insiidetracktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2001-war-market-cycles.pdf   See page 4 for other excerpts.]

Two of the prevailing cycles that led to those conclusions were a 7-related cycle (7, 14, 21, 28 & 84-year cycles) and the ~11-year Sunspot Cycle that often times the onset of wars.  That ~11-Year Cycle comes back into play in 2023 whereas the 7-Year Cycle recurs in 2022… reinforcing the outlook for a resurgence of War Cycles in late-2021 – late-2025.

More succinctly, there is a 21-Year Cycle that has timed major multi-national conflicts dating back to at least 1812 (War of 1812).  42 years later was the Crimean War in 1854 – a war that has an intriguing parallel to current events.  Since the beginning of the last century, that 21-Year Cycle has timed:

1917 – World War I

1938 – World War II/Holocaust

1959 – Viet Nam (North commits to war in South)

1980 – Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (sound familiar?); Iran/Iraq War

2001 – 9/11; Trigger for US involvement in Iraq & Afghanistan

2022 – ?? Next Phase of 21-Year War Cycle

2022 is no longer a mystery and can be filled in with ‘Russian invasion of Ukraine’… and whatever else might unfold in the next 10 months.

80-Year War Cycle… to the Day

A quick review of the Ukraine timeline reveals some intriguing War Cycle fulfillment as well.  On Nov 10, the US reported on Russian troops massing on Ukraine’s border.  On Nov 28, Ukraine concurred and reported 92,000 troops on their border.  Shortly after, the gauntlet was thrown down…

On Dec 7, 2021 – 80 years to the day from when the US was drawn into World War II – President Biden threatened Putin against invading Ukraine, timing the day the US was drawn into this conflict.

Are cycles that precise?  If so, what do ALL of these cycles mean for 2022 – 2025?… 

Soybeans, Corn & Wheat are surging on the Russia/Ukraine conflict with Wheat beginning to lead the way.  It has already reached its first upside target at ~950.0/W, increasing the likelihood that additional upside targets will be met in 2022.

As stated last month, Wheat had begun to confirm a multi-week/multi-month low and – along with its weekly 21 MARC and 21 MAC support – should surge higher into early-Mar ’22 – the latest phase of a ~15-week high-high-high-(high) Cycle Progression.  March ’22 is also the latest phase of a ~4-month low-low-low-high-(high) Cycle Progression in Wheat.

The Weekly Re-Lay explained why Wheat should see a strong surge in the weeks leading into early-March – another example of the 90/10 Rule of Cycles.  That is exactly what Wheat has done as it approaches the time when a parabolic, blow-off peak is most likely.  The Dec ‘21 INSIIDE Track best explained the 3 – 6 month outlook for the first half of 2022:

11-30-21 – “Wheat had signaled a secondary low in Sept. and was expected to initially advance into mid-Nov ’21.  That was seen and Wheat – along with Soybeans & Corn – entered corrective phases in late-Nov.  That could/should spur intermediate lows in early-Dec. and the onset of a new advance in Wheat.

On a longer-term basis, Wheat remains likely to surge above 950.0/W as part of this unfolding rally.  After building a ~4-year base, Wheat’s breakout higher could catapult it to its highest levels since 2008 (when it peaked near 1335/W).  It has formed its own range-trading pivot points near 425, 600 and 775/W.  The next phase is ~950 (and then 1125/W).”

If/when Wheat produces a weekly close above 950/W, it would target a surge to ~1125.0/W.  At the rate Grains are currently moving, a spike up to that level could occur before or as Wheat is generating that weekly close.  In all the grains, a March ‘22 peak could usher in a multi-month (volatile) consolidation period with violent swings in both directions.

Over the past few decades (and in keeping with the focus on Sunspot cycles), commodities have seen a related ~11-Year Cycle that created peaks in Sept/Oct 2000 and Sept/Oct 2011.  That could push a final inflation/commodity price peak into Sept/Oct 2022 – when other related cycles concur.”

Wheat (and Gold) are fulfilling analysis for parabolic surges into early-March ’22, when monthly & weekly cycles project a significant peak.  This is occurring during the year (2022) when a 40-Year Cycle of Drought & 80-Year Cycle of Agriculture has been forecast to abruptly shift – the same time when parabolic moves are most likely (90/10 Rule of Cycles). 

~11-Year~40-Year & ~80-Year Cycles collide in 2022 and pinpoint what could be a seismic shift in natural (climate, precipitation, etc.), geopolitical and market cycles at the same time food/commodity inflation cycles culminate.  2022/2023 is expected to produce major disruptions including climate shifts (Drought/Deluge Cycles) and solar storms.

On a 1 – 3 year basis, Corn has a 3-year low (July ‘07) – low (Jun ‘10) – high (July ‘13) – high (June ‘16) – high (May/Jun ‘19) – high (May/June 2022Cycle Progression – projecting the next 1 – 2 year peak.  Wheat has a ~6-year low (‘04) – low (‘10) – low (‘16) – high (2022Cycle Progression that was reinforced by a ~33-month low (3Q ‘16) – low (2Q ‘19) – high (1Q 2022Cycle Progression.  Soybeans have an ~8-month Cycle Progression that was just fulfilled with the peak in ~Jan ’22.

Refer to latest Weekly Re-Lay & INSIIDE Track publications for additional details and/or related trading strategies.