Stocks Remain on Track for Second Plunge into Late-March ’20; Fulfilling Intervening Bounce!

03/04/20 Weekly Re-Lay Alert: “…the Transports and a large number of other stocks peaked and began a 1 – 2 month corrective phase.  In the strongest indexes, it took until mid-Feb. for the ‘roller-coaster’ to summit and begin its descent. The sell-off reinforced the ~12-week/~84-day Cycle Progression in  other indexes – that helped pinpoint the late-Aug. ’19 low.  It was […]

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Stocks Fulfilling ‘Perfect Storm’ of Sell Signals (Feb. 7 – 14); Plunge into Late-March ’20 Likely!

02/29/20 Weekly Re-Lay: “Stock Indices powerfully validated the 2-Year & 40-Year Cycles – both calling for sharp sell-offs in the second half of Feb. ‘20.  In doing so, equities also fulfilled the 4-Shadow Signals of late-Jan. – similarly projecting a culminating rally into mid-Feb. followed by a higher-magnitude decline.  The initial sell-off is likely to bottom now (Feb. 27 – […]

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Stock Market Sell-off into Late-March ’20 Likely; 40-Year Cycle & 2-Year Cycle Concur!

02/28/20 INSIIDE Track Stock Index Update: “Stock Indexes are fulfilling the ‘Perfect Storm’ of bearish cycles and indicators that converged on Feb. 7 – 14 and projected a higher-magnitude sell-off… the Transports and a large number of other stocks peaked and began a 1 – 2 month corrective phase. On Feb. 12/13, 1980, the DJIA peaked and stocks dropped 8 […]

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Interest Rates: Stock Panic Spurring Bond Rally; July ’20 = Bond Cycle Peak

“Outlook 2020/2021 – The More Things Change… 02-27-20 – Late-2019 ushered in what was/is expected to be a geopolitically volatile period in the Middle East and across the globe.  Part of the analysis involved in that conclusion included the recurring 40-Year Cycle and the connection to 1979 – 1981 and events in Iran.  That assessment was powerfully validated by January events between the US and […]

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Stock Market Fulfilling Jan. ’20 Cycle Peak; Sharp Sell-off into Late-March Projected!   

02/27/20 INSIIDE Track: “Stock Market Election Perspective The next 6 – 9 months are likely to be full of uncertainty, leading to wider swings in equities (10 – 20% sell-offs & rallies, like 40 years ago), precious metals and interest rate futures as traders struggle to remain abreast of current news and its implications. In order to provide some context […]

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Stock Market Sell-off Coinciding w/Long-Term Cycles of Disease (& War)!

02/27/20 INSIIDE Track: “Late-2019 ushered in what was/is expected to be a geopolitically volatile period in the Middle East and across the globe.  Part of the analysis involved in that conclusion included the recurring 40-Year Cycle and the connection to 1979 – 1981 and events in Iran.  That assessment was powerfully validated by January events between the US and Iran. […]

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